We promote an integral, reliable Carbon Market aligned with Net Zero goals

About Us

The Carbon Platform: Working together for an ecological transition and sustainable decarbonization in Ecuador

Through collaborative work with civil society, the private sector, indigenous communities, local communities, and governments; the Carbon Platform aims to contribute to a better understanding of the functioning of these mechanisms while providing inputs for the development of a public policy consistent with the goal of ecological transition and decarbonization of the country.

Strategic partners
Our Team

Organizing Committee

Daniel Ortega

Ex Ministro de Ambiente. Co-Presidente del Panel de Expertos del Consejo de Integridad del Mercado Voluntario de Carbono. PhD en Políticas Públicas de The Ohio State University. Profesor invitado de ESPAE School of Management.

Rodrigo Dueñas Petit

CEO of Environmental Services of America, ESA Corp advises, promotes, finances and executes greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, mainly in the Latin American agro-industrial sector. The scope of ESA goes from the identification of the emission reduction opportunity to the operation of the project.

Inés Manzano

Lawyer specialized in environment and investments. She is General Manager of Estudio Juridico Manzano and of the environmental consulting company ASAMBLA. President of the Board of Directors of the Business Council for Sustainable Development. Member of the advisory council of the Political Leadership Program of the IDE and ULH. Member of the advisory council of the ESPOL Oceanography career. Leader of the Harvard Womens Network

Jimmy Andrade

Tania Wazhima

Christian Riofrío​

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Plataforma Carbono

Ecuador advances towards comprehensive and competitive climate action

Somos un organismo independiente, técnico y apolítico que reúne importantes actores del sector empresarial y productivo en conjunto con la academia y empresas de servicios con miras a promover una acción climática íntegra que permita atraer inversiones y generar empleo en Ecuador. Se espera que el mercado global de créditos de carbono crezca a una tasa compuesta anual de casi el 31% hasta 2027. El mercado de carbono voluntario que hoy moviliza cerca de 2 mil millones de dólares anuales podría crecer a más de US $ 40 mil millones en 2030. Ecuador puede y debe acceder a estos beneficios contribuyendo a la meta net zero a través de la descarbonización nacional, al tiempo de brindar acceso a recursos a las comunidades y pueblos indígenas. Ese es nuestro compromiso.

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